The road we have gone through
Since its founding in 2012, Greenharvest has deployed more than US$ 500million PV solar assets for financial institutes, life insurance companies, private equity funds and strategic partners, and provided O&M services to more than 800 power plants all around Taiwan.
We realized that mutual respect and collaboration with all the interested parties coexisting in the same space, including the landlords, residents, neighborhoods, governments, and those who voice for the environment, is the key issue to develop a successful and healthy partnership for the long run. We affirm that renewable energy should not override any other sustainable values.
With the notion of the carrying capacity of the environment in mind, we have decided to focus on rooftop solar energy in urban areas, which was widely conceived as less profitable and more effort on development. The diversified service structure and the integrated energy techs are the key tools for us to provide future-connected in-depth services in the smart city framework.

The goal we are heading to
To provide more accurate, in-time services in one stop, we have incorporated renewable energy construction, operation, maintenance, retailing, and data forecasting services in Greenharvest Group. We provide diversified services with our affiliates and conduct multi-level communication to balance the asymmetric information between different counterparties. The benefits of green energy are shared with relatively more stakeholders.
By introducing various techs and international collaborations into the pilot project of integrated smart energy management in Shalun, Tainan, we aim to achieve a 100% green energy penetration rate during peak hours, then to expand the businesses by providing 24/7 renewable energy and net-zero total solutions to the industrial parks in the mid to long term.
By providing the invisible energy, we hope visible changes can happen to our homeland. This is the driving force motivating us to keep heading forward.